
Monthly expenses in LA

moving to LA in a few weeks. planning my budget. woundering, what do you spend money for? My estimates: - $3500-4000 rent - $800 food - $200 utilities + phone + internet - $1000 entertainment goal: max 401, hsa. then investment in indexes. does it make any sense from your pov?

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Databricks data4u Nov 16, 2019

Lol 3500 in rent wtf, what is ur TC?

your_daddy OP Nov 16, 2019

140k base salary. Not counting stocks, since want to hold it as saving. Wanna rent in Santa Monica and don’t spend lots of time on commuting

Facebook igvjunj Nov 16, 2019

What’s your stock+bonus?

Microsoft xIdC37 Nov 16, 2019

3500 seems high for a 1bdr in LA

Facebook TheBoz Nov 16, 2019

LA is huge. Please specify which region. West LA is worse than SF. East LA or the valley is cheaper than Seattle.