Tech IndustryJul 20, 2019

Moving to app dev from network dev

I am currently working at Cisco Software development and I want to move to application development. My current work experience is 5+ years and I do not want to work in systems. I am doing leet code for interviews but most calls I get are for network/system dev. I feel stuck and would really appreciate suggestions. Thanks in advance

Add a comment 仆街 冚家鏟 Jul 20, 2019

Do some side projects and build your own apps to show that you can build apps.

LinkedIn yakem Jul 20, 2019

What kind of app dev?

Cisco gRFs58 OP Jul 21, 2019

I wanted to work with cloud technologies and learn about containers. I work with C and low-level platform-specific cards. I am still exploring, but the end goal is to move away from hardware.

Cisco VChr123 Jul 20, 2019

Take courses from Udemy on modern cloud stack and do side projects e.g build a Kubernetes cluster and have an app deployed to cloud. Many cloud providers have free credits and you can spin instances easily. Other approach would be to checkout some recent successful open source projects. Understand the architecture. Many of those open source projects have public git repo with issues tagged. You can start doing low hanging bug fixes and then move up.