HR IssuesDec 11, 2019

My boss was investigated for retaliation. I ended up being written up instead.

I doubt anyone who knows me would see this, and at this point, I genuinely don't care. I'm so livid about this entire situation that I'm at my wit's end. Over the last several months, my new store manager (took over about six months ago after our last store manager left to open a new location) has been making life hell at our store. He's run several employees out, and I've just been trying to keep my head down and do my job as best as possible. A couple months back, he tried to create a new position at our location (one that he has no authority to make) and has been no help in trying to help me explain the situation to our employees, many of whom are upset because it was originally described as a lead position, given to our newest cashier. He recently tried to have me switch departments, and for the first time since he's taken over, I stood my ground and told him no. When he tried to force it, I took it to HR, and he very quickly backed down. Just last week, I came across an investigative report where he tried to frame himself as the good guy, trying to make sure I got the word out about the new position (never happened) and calling me insubordinate because i fought him on the department change. I sent it to HR, and he was suspended! For a full day. Before he left, he talked to several managers who have since been avoiding me. HR called and talked to several employees the next day, and for manager confided in me that she had seen employees prepping each other for the HR phone calls. This week, I was in a phone call with our district manager, HR, and my boss. Their investigation led them to decide that I should be written up for failing to communicate effectively to my employees regarding the position, and for lowering store morale. I've just kind of given up at this point. The odds are obviously stacked against me, and I've been fighting this for so long, I don't know what else to do.

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Tyler Technologies batwomannn Dec 11, 2019

Ha. File a complaint with the labor board for your state. They will investigate and can be fined. Even if nothing happens it’s zero skin off your back and they cannot retaliate against you for filing THAT complaint. It amazes me what kind of idiots work in HR.

The RealReal weare138 Dec 11, 2019

Sounds like it's time for a new job. I wouldn't stay there longer than I had to.

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Spies1 Dec 11, 2019

Go on Facebook and post something similar to the above about starting a Union. Tag your boss. Go to NLRB when you are fired.

Jason638 Dec 12, 2019

these people are not your friends and the HR dept does not have your interests in mind