Tech IndustryMay 30, 2019

Need advise for Facebook technical phone interview

Hi everyone, Can anyone please give me some advise on Facebook technical phone interview on Backend Software Engineer ? Thank you very much!

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Microsoft iWAw76 May 30, 2019

Same question for science interview

Qualcomm dynasty001 May 31, 2019

They overlap. I would target this list though since the “top fb “ list might not be updated regularly.

BBDO sxYo02 Jun 6, 2019

Read the question thoroughly. When the interview started I heard the question and immediately thought of the Leetcode equivalent, not realizing it was different. Similar but not the same so I started solving the wrong problem. It was a really dumb mistake on my part. Also I got stuck at one point and to avoid dead air, I was just throwing things at the wall and writing code snippets. Before long I had a lot of snippets of code, that was closing in on the solution but no structure. No function definition, no driving method. And just as I finally sorta figured out the solution time ran out and I was left with about 15 lines of code snippets with no test cases or structure. While I haven't heard back as of yet, I'm pretty sure I know how this story ends. I'd recommend doing some mock phone interviews first so you get some practice at it.

Qualcomm dynasty001 Jun 6, 2019

Wow. Thanks for sharing your perspective ! Not long back (when my friends joined Fb) they said FB used to ask Leetcode verbatim.. guess now Fb has changed a but, but then it depends on the interviwer i guess

BBDO sxYo02 Jun 7, 2019

@Qualcomm - my question was on Glassdoor. Which likely also threw me a little bit because the person who posted it said he implemented a non-stack version and was rejected for not using a stack. So I knew I should use a stack and I did. I just went down a wrong path to start with. I think if I had 5 more minutes I finally would've solved it and cleaned up all my code but ran out of time. That's another thing, try and get to the coding question quickly. I was nervous so thought I'd ask a simple question about the role to start even though you should save questions for the end. I didn't realize they'd be so strict on time. The minute we hit the 30 minute mark after the question was read we were done. So we spent the next 5 minutes going over questions I had. It wasn't a hard problem by any means and had I not immediately gone to the Leetcode version I likely would've solved it in time. Lesson learned for sure.