Need an Algo, Data Structures study plan for a noob.

Alright tried to push off the Google interview until November or December time frame. The recruiter said they didn't schedule more than 30 days out and would reconnect around then. I need to form some kind of study plan to get leetcode proficient in approx 3 months coming from essentially an applied math background. What books? CTCI? Algo book? Online lectures? Princeton Coursera? Class Notes? When to start leetcoding? Get the premium plan?

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Northrop Grumman ajjfji OP Jul 30, 2018

Bought it, thanks.

Cisco rkHq23 Jul 30, 2018

I'm doing Princeton coursera (Sedgewick), CTCI, and leetcode

Tango Health WaterColor Jul 30, 2018

LC premium is a must - only for the company specific questions

Northrop Grumman ajjfji OP Jul 30, 2018

Cool, I'll probably practice on general then get the specific for the last month.

Amazon cyucheng Jul 30, 2018

Elements of programming interviews This book helped me a lot. It just clearly showed me the gaps I had. The advantage of this is, in the beginning of book they suggest you a schedule based on time you have and all the schedules cover breadth of topics

Northrop Grumman ajjfji OP Jul 30, 2018

Thanks, just bought the Python version

Northrop Grumman ajjfji OP Jul 30, 2018

Are any of these Python specific or more general?

Google ∞ + 1 Jul 30, 2018

Use hackerrank, they split problems into topics, like all stack problems are kept together. Learn about a data structure, then do problems surrounding that data structure. Rinse and repeat. Then go play with leetcode, firecode, and whatever else you find fun. Old acm problems are a good time.

Intel nikhilkari Aug 2, 2018

I like this. I like to mix hackerrank with leetcode

Cisco cluster Jul 30, 2018

Are you a software engineer?

Northrop Grumman ajjfji OP Jul 30, 2018

No, I do numerical stuff which was related to the job I applied for but I was told the interview was going to be half algorithms so I was I knew I was fucked. I'm guessing I'd be interviewing more generically if they're putting me through a somewhat standard gauntlet.

Rally Health FUPayMe$$ Jul 21, 2020

Just follow this and you should be in good shape: