Tech IndustryMar 26, 2019
UberBlah blah me

Netflix culture and career development

My understanding is that all engineers in Netflix has the same level. How do people feel on career development in such an environment?

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Bayer macys Mar 26, 2019

From what I know, your compensation is revised every year with a good faith effort to assess your top of the market rate.

Netflix nf Mar 26, 2019

This is not necessarily true. Comp is revised only if your market value has increased, there is no concept of inflation adjustment. Don’t ask me how market value is calculated.

Bayer macys Mar 26, 2019

How is market value calculated? :D

Netflix nf Mar 26, 2019

There is no career growth for ICs here, only management track has levels and defined growth plan.

Bloomberg YUNOSlayer Mar 26, 2019

Sounds just like BB 😂

Intuit yfh Mar 26, 2019

best buy?

Google euos Mar 26, 2019

I am leaving Google for Netflix specifically for this reason. I’ve been Google L5 for 5 years, did great job (my solo work was mentioned on the first page of Hacker News quite a few times) but was unable to get promotion due to bogus promo requirements. I am looking forward to not have my comp limited by a random committee that doe not know me and does not care about what I’m doing.

Netflix nf Mar 26, 2019

Don’t do it, read Glassdoor reviews

Netflix BlndrThngs Mar 26, 2019

Or do it. Mileage varies per team.

Microsoft momin Mar 26, 2019

Your career is limited to the needs of Netflix. It has been documented they will fire you anytime without any help to make you better.

Bloomberg YUNOSlayer Mar 26, 2019

That’s not a terrible approach tbh, if you’re underperforming why would a PIP really change that?

F***G Mar 26, 2019

It’s not about how you’re doing, you can be excellent and if the business doesn’t need you anymore their policy is to fire

Intel mr_pleb Mar 26, 2019

They don't feel. They get fired before they develop any feelings.

Amazon ex-netflix Mar 26, 2019

Liberating!!! You are what you say/do/deliver than what your title says you are. No promos to work towards, just concentrate on solving business problems. As some pointed out already, there is no structured career development, PIP, educational resources, etc. That doesn’t mean you cannot do any of these. You just have to do these on your own and Netflix will just pay for it - no other help offered.

Apple P e w Mar 26, 2019

No educational resources? Like straight up they won’t teach you stuff?

Netflix Narcos Mar 26, 2019

That's not true. There are all kinds of training happening in the company. And you can pay for external resources and get reimbursed. No preapproval needed.

Netflix login Mar 26, 2019

No career growth at Netflix for most IC's. This is good and bad. Good is because you can concentrate on doing good works and forget about the need to move up to get paid more. Bad is that if later on there is no netflix or you want to leave the company, you are stuck as an old IC where not many companies want to hire.

Morgan Stanley hotChicken Mar 26, 2019

Nah, you'll be seen as a top of the band IC that can ask anything you want :)

Amazon JeffBaizos Mar 26, 2019

It’s true. I see a guy with Netflix on his resume and I think, “Wow, this guy just watched movies all day! Not inclined!”

Adobe TXus40 Mar 26, 2019

Level, money, etc are forms of rewards, so it really boils down how you will be rewarded. If you believe in reward by merits, then you should agree that whoever drags down the team should be fired, then you should join Netflix. You will be rewarded handsomely at Netflix not because of titles nor associations, but by your merits your team agrees on.

Netflix Narcos Mar 26, 2019

Netflix wants to hire seniors that already know how to get things done. It is not responsible to train you for new skills. But it is willing to pay to help you get the new skills. Think of pro sports team. Team is willing to pay for a trainer. But if you don't make the cut, then you don't.

Amazon vjcjccjfj Mar 27, 2019

this bs pro sports analogy copy-pasted from their culture website. someone is drowning in koolaid

Netflix nf Mar 27, 2019

@Narcos Don’t drink the koolaid much. The pro sports analogy is complete BS. If it was true, why are we doing diversity hiring? Which pro team does diversity hiring in the real world? The problem with Netflix way is that every engineer has the same responsibilities, which is not how most of the industry works. People with 20 years of experience are doing test fixes and managing build failures. Other places your title (principal for instance) requires you to do more impactful works, because there is a clear expectation from your title/level.

Amazon fHsj42 Mar 26, 2019

I didn’t know that netflix has no IC levels. If that helps on the focus and reduces politics, sounds great to me!