Misc.Oct 16, 2019

Now the banks are bailing out tech firms. My how things have changed this year.

Anyone still believe tech is impervious to business fundamentals? https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/16/softbank-jp-morgan-to-submit-wework-bailout-proposals-in-coming-days.html

SoftBank, JP Morgan to submit separate WeWork bailout proposals in coming days
SoftBank, JP Morgan to submit separate WeWork bailout proposals in coming days
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Microsoft wtf bro Oct 16, 2019

Wonder why a 'real estate broker with tech valuation' is smug about this news... Maybe you should just go look at the mirror.

Compass XIUM55 OP Oct 16, 2019

That’s you projecting your smugness on to me. This post was out of concern, which should be obvious given my employer. But then again, I’m speaking to someone that works at a tech dinosaur 🦕. Speaking of overvalued....

Microsoft wtf bro Oct 16, 2019

Bet that's why you hired your CTO from the "dinosaur"

Amazon fejj zebos Oct 16, 2019

WeWork isn't a tech company

Compass XIUM55 OP Oct 16, 2019

Same argument being made for Amazon. PE valuations are no where near the real of reality given your growth rate which is inconsistent with high valuation growth tech.

Amazon fejj zebos Oct 16, 2019

Lol a company with 40% of the cloud computing market isn't a tech company????

Microsoft make 💕 Oct 16, 2019

Title: "bailing out of tech firms..." Article is about one company WeWork and is not a tech company. What a BS post!

Compass XIUM55 OP Oct 16, 2019

This post would have been unimaginable 60 days ago. Don’t be so myopic.

Cisco koala 🐨 Oct 16, 2019

All these business articles about tech industry are disgustingly click-baity. Journalism is filled with low quality grads. I understand why they are stuck in journalism though, they cant even tell if WeScam is a tech company or not