Tech IndustryOct 9, 2019

OCI IC2 onsite.

I have two interviews coming up this month end. Amazon and OCI. I got enough information about amazon interview process and questions. Not sure about oci. If anyone could provide information about the oci onsite like level of coding questions, system design, imp concepts. Recruiter mentioned 5 to 6 rounds. Thanks

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Oracle Etumos Oct 9, 2019

Largely it will depend on the group you are interviewing with. I would expect at an IC2 level for it to be heavy coding competency, with a little system design tossed in to get a better idea of how you think through things. Also, be sure to read the leadership principles as each of the interviewers will have at least two behavioral competencies that they will be focusing on. you will have an interview with at least 4 people maybe five. One of them will be a 1.5 hour lunch ( typically with the hiring manger), one with a bartender focused on cultural fit, and then a few with your potential peers to test your coding system design, etc.

Oracle black_jack Oct 9, 2019

Will bartender make me a drink?

Oracle gaitondey! Oct 9, 2019

IC2 is new grad, right? Do they expect us to do system design as well? I was of the impression that a few LC easy-mediums will do plus a bit of behavioral. Correct me if Iโ€™m wrong!

Oracle trump.ptmr Oct 10, 2019

I usually pick a question from latest leetcode contest.

SAP MHGO74 OP Oct 10, 2019

Do you ask hard too? Or just medium

Oracle trump.ptmr Oct 10, 2019

Usually medium, sometimes hard for IC3. Don't panic man, I am not interviewing anyone from SAP.