CompensationOct 22, 2018
Igneous Systemszzzyyy

Offer finality at tech companies

How much do you think TC numbers for offers at tech companies are a function of interview quality vs. simply negotiating? For example, if candidate A performed 7/10 on his interviews, and candidate B performed 9.5/10, do they each have theoretical "max" TCs they could each negotiate for (assuming they qualify for the same level)? How does this work behind the scenes? Do recruiters have a max # written down based on interview feedback?

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Facebook eygs Oct 22, 2018

if there are any senior eng recruiters out there, it’d be great if you could do an AMA. would love a behind the scenes look

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pvalue Oct 23, 2018

The question unanswered still is: what matters more in getting higher TC? Good interview performance or good negotiation skills and competing offers?

LinkedIn howd Oct 23, 2018

Both. There is a max TC per position/level. If you just do "ok", the range will reduce. Still, nobody will ever offer you the max as the initial offer. Negotiating (and having a competing offer) will help you move closer to it.