HousingJun 27, 2018

Offer selection

I am curious to know how do people choose one offer over the other. What factors do you consider if you have offers from Uber, Lyft, Google, Facebook and Airbnb? I am more curious to know this from Bay Area folks.

185 Participants
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Pinterest expin Jun 27, 2018

You're asking on blind. The obvious answer is TC.

Mozilla Krvy OP Jun 27, 2018

I expected TC to be the number 1 criteria but wanted to see what all goes in making an overall decision. Obviously there is more than one factor while deciding between multiple offers.

Amazon Jail Bait Jun 27, 2018

Where is commute time?

Mozilla Krvy OP Jun 27, 2018

I would put that into work life balance to keep the selection list short.

Mozilla Krvy OP Jun 27, 2018

This is turning out to be quite interesting. I thought title or level offered will matter to more people while making a choice, but looks like that is not the case.

Pinterest adspm Jun 27, 2018

Titles and levels vary a lot across companies and matter little in the long term. You'll see a ton of people in the Bay Area who have been VP of something or the other at smaller companies over the last 10 years and have nothing to show for it while you see a Software Engineer or a Product Manager at G/FB pulling $1M/year.

Microsoft aJb52Ys Jun 27, 2018

Please. You can make my title “junior janitor” or something if you give me a job with 500k TC, interesting work, and good wlb.

Amazon Shaktiman! Jun 27, 2018

Missing option: Likelihood of getting 🔥d

Mozilla Krvy OP Jun 28, 2018

Lol! True when you work at Amazon.

Apple Pericles Jun 28, 2018

Also future growth-Your tc can grow far more significantly at pre ipo then established players. Having spent some time at the big guys , I am personally looking to take on more risk.

Mozilla Krvy OP Jun 28, 2018

I hear you. Taking calculated risks go a long way.