
Got an offer from Amazon last week and stock crashed by 250 bucks each. Should I call them to reassess offer? I accepted offer, but it makes a lot of difference in TC

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Microsoft qCwf22 Oct 29, 2018


American Airlines uvqK73 OP Oct 29, 2018

Thanks for putting lot of thoughts in response 😝

Google onMyWayy Oct 29, 2018

Join after a month, they take average of the whole month before your joining date (or some Friday near your joining date)

American Airlines uvqK73 OP Oct 29, 2018

Good idea if that’s what they do Thanks

Amazon ime&myself Oct 29, 2018

Google... It is always a predetermined number of rsus not x amount worth of rsus

Amazon Chad🕶 Oct 29, 2018

Did the offer state number of shares or overall value?

American Airlines uvqK73 OP Oct 29, 2018

It stated number of RSUs not value

Amazon Chad🕶 Oct 29, 2018

Oh, that is a potential bummer. However, you won't start to see those until you hit 2 years. If the stock continues to stay down by then, they'd give you more shares to make sure you hit your total comp target.

Microsoft tide Oct 29, 2018

Don’t do it

American Airlines uvqK73 OP Oct 29, 2018


Microsoft tide Oct 29, 2018

You wouldn’t have called if the stock went up. They may reassess your candidacy, not the offer if you try it. Is it worth the risk? Remember that you are in this for the long game

Twitch shaoehcncz Oct 29, 2018

If the stock went up 250 instead and they called to decrease your RSU grant you'd be totally cool with it right?

Amazon Gjdyveycc4 Oct 30, 2018

Amzn offer contains number of stocks. Increase or decrease doesn’t matter. You are not going to get your stocks in first 2 years.