Office LifeSep 6, 2019

Paternity leave - adopting a dog

I’m looking to adopt a dog; can I use Paid Family Leave? I’m looking to accomplish the same goals as what Maternity and Paternity leave are designated for, but will never have kids. I feel like 6 weeks is enough to house train, take behaviour classes, teach tricks, and hit on chicks in the park with my new family member. TC 100k tennis balls

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AQR nyawe60 Sep 6, 2019

Are you serious?

Microsoft xPgf80 Sep 6, 2019


Salesforce owowhtsths Sep 6, 2019

This is hilarious 🤣

Microsoft catsandStf Sep 6, 2019

This is funny but I also get it. I'll probably never have kids. Why should people who forgot to wear a condom get special privelages? You're joking but paternity/maternity leave should be a set event independent of the child. If you know you won't have children you should get the same time Expenditure.....maybe you'll get a dog. Maybe you'll volunteer at a homeless shelter. Maybe you'll travel to Japan. Children are a choice. Not a privelage.

Microsoft xPgf80 Sep 6, 2019

Meh it’s not much different from disability or family leave to care for a sick family member. The cost benefit ratio is terrible if you’re trying to game the system by having a kid just to get a few months paid vacation 😂

unwnd Sep 6, 2019

You don’t have kids, do you?

eBay jhdbcni Sep 6, 2019

You get to take if you pay for his/her education (pre school to college) 😂😂

Yelp bbtea Sep 6, 2019

Unless you have to wake up every 2 hours to calm/feed/diaper a crying creature, they are not the same unfortunately.

LinkedIn cd- Sep 6, 2019

You actually can, but I don’t believe you’ll get the same duration. Better than nothing right? 😉

Deloitte LwBy04 Sep 6, 2019

Use dog to meet someone at park, make baby, get paternity leave. So answer is yes. EZ

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Expedia Group frenemy Sep 6, 2019

Why limit it to a dog, I'm thinking of adopting a house plant. They need to be fed and watered, and there's data to suggest talking to them (it) daily promotes growth

Apple R7yh5j OP Sep 6, 2019

What do the results show for hitting on chicks at the park while holding a houseplant?