Prepping for a data science interview.

Does anyone have any advice on how to prep for a data science interview.

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Uber Elrond Feb 7, 2018

Data science interviews are the worst because you have to know everything about everything. What worked for me: go through all the hackerrank SQL exercises, the first 5 chapters of exercises of Ross's probability book, ISL (or ESL if you have time), leetcode medium questions, and read up on AB testing. Bonus if you have some Bayesian stats.

Uber Elrond Feb 7, 2018

Also, experimental design in general - how to control for things, temporal bias, network effects, randomization etc. Time series is good too.

Axtria s.hawkingg Mar 17, 2018

Elrond, any resources for this? And how intense on coding are the data science interviews at faang?