QA/SDET career path in companies.

What is the QA career path like in your companies? Is it forever in the QA stream till Director Qa) or do you have room to branch out laterally to Dev/Solutions/PM/TPM? Tagging 3 companies to start a conversation.

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Amazon potpourri Jun 29, 2019

Why hasn't anyone responded to this question?

Palo Alto Networks !πŸ’₯ Jun 29, 2019

You can apply to anything internally. If you don't seek it, then you'll continue QA as ic or manager track.

Akamai Technologies PO$T OP Jun 29, 2019

And this is not just on paper but its fairly common for people to switch?

Palo Alto Networks !πŸ’₯ Jun 29, 2019

Most QA people like it. I'll be honest though, it's mostly Indians who stay as QA. I've seen just about every non Indian switch roles eventually.

LinkedIn valleyguy Jun 29, 2019

I saw 1 SDET move laterally to SWE after a few years. That person did more automation and tool-building than actual testing/QA, and IMHO was stronger as a developer than the average for the role and level they were in.

LinkedIn DKOz64 Jun 29, 2019

I heard during engineering bootcamp that there aren't real testing roles at LinkedIn? Is this incorrect?

LinkedIn valleyguy Jun 29, 2019

That would explain a lot of the bugs. πŸ˜‚

Apple Tim Cock Jun 29, 2019

No need to became a develop, QA/SDET manager/director is the best money/effort ratio.

Akamai Technologies PO$T OP Jul 4, 2019

Does Apple pay QA Managers the same as Dev Managers? I feel like a second class citizen at times.

Akamai Technologies PO$T OP Jul 4, 2019

No one else?

Pax8 cortazar Jul 16, 2019

Where I work it's like this: 1. Entry level QA (usually internal transfers, basically just manual testers) 2. QA 2 (you can use postman and sql, you can do a little automation scripting) 3. At this point you can split into: -non-functional testing (performance, security, etc). -Automation stuff -Team-lead/ MGMT track

Pearson ljljl Sep 20, 2023

Hey were you able to move from QA to tpm role?