Quora SWE-ML Interview?

Recently met with Quora at career fair, mentioned I was looking for new grad roles and had interest in ML. They reached out and asked to set up interview for SWE-ML: should I expect standard algo/ds or more ML focus? There wasn't a new grad role specifically for ML so not sure of their expectation, has anyone gone through something similar recently?

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Facebook anonandon OP Aug 12, 2018

Update: interviewer was ML engineer, but questions were all ds/algos focused

LinkedIn Pretakalpa Aug 12, 2018

OP how are you preparing for ML Engg interviews?

Facebook anonandon OP Aug 12, 2018

Nothing in particular, banking on previous coursework and common questions online - yourself?

Google 打打打打打打打打打打 May 22, 2019

[Blind] Check out this post! ML interview questions (Tech Lounge) https://us.teamblind.com/s/qP3yeK4E