Tech IndustryOct 16, 2019

Reading the signs

There is a new hire (someone very senior in terms of years of overall experience); I have more experience that this guy in my current role. Scenario- I recently found an interesting catch in a contract and brought it up via email to be clarified with my team (this person missed it). Now this person volunteered to go deep and investigate on that part with our consultants. I on the other hand feel like my turf has been invaded. Am I being immature? I am not insecured in my job, but I don't want to miss out on subtle red flags so I can act better in future.

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WeWork RPvk36 Oct 16, 2019

Should have done the work first

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 16, 2019

You mean him or me?

WeWork RPvk36 Oct 16, 2019


Eigen 🔥blind Oct 16, 2019

How Senior ? Director level with TC above 500k?

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 16, 2019

Nope not director level. Just a new senior guy (he has about 10-15 years more than I do overall experience

Eigen 🔥blind Oct 16, 2019

I wont push then.. he is just another guy happened to have some more experience

Pandora x0kjF Oct 16, 2019

You are a being a little immature. New guy just wants to seem useful and fix mistakes in his work. He probably feels embarrased you caught this and wants to defend his own turf. You're now free to do higher level work. If you want to work on digging into the contract, you could have said that in your email. Even now, you can still be the one to look into your contract by saying something like "no need new guy I've already started looking into it. if you'd like we can work together on this."

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 16, 2019

I don't want to say anything to the new guy. So my manager clarified that the issue I pointed out can brought up with the consultant. But he (the new guy) jumped in and said something like - we need to clarify this upfront, shall I go ahead an initiate the conversation.

Pandora x0kjF Oct 16, 2019

I mean put yourself in the new guy's shoes. He signed a contract that puts your company at risk. He's probably worried he's gonna get fired. Of course he wants to cover his @$$.

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 16, 2019

Naaaah it ain't that big of a deal. So the contract was signed between my company and this consultanting firm; we are just reviewers to see if we have some comments.

OpenTable Meliodas Oct 16, 2019

Yes, you are being immature. It is a team effort. Get over the notion of turf.