Recently shortlisted for Citi Roles

So I've recently been shortlisted for quite a few roles at Citi, and have like 3 interviews. Now while I am not complaining and very grateful I am wondering what's the deal with the mass hiring it seems like they're doing, or is that just an impression I get?

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Citibank 🐟r🏷️ Sep 10, 2019

We're a company of 230k employees. Even with low churn we have to be constantly hiring thousands of roles globally to maintain a workforce that size.

Deutsche Bank Tyon2129 OP Sep 11, 2019


Citibank aineislis Sep 11, 2019

They hire and they fire. It’s a circle of life

Citibank Llka03 Sep 11, 2019

Well said by @aineislis. Last quarter there was a hefty enterprise wide layoff at Citi. This is probably a rebound effect of the same.

Citibank XTR Sep 19, 2019

Sometimes, its a way to get rid of non performers as usually good ones are circulated or moved to a different position prior to mass layoff. At the same time, you lose good people too in the process.