
Recommend resources for personal finance

Hi all, I would like to start planning for my personal finance. Can you recommend some books / websites / podcasts / any other resources for me to start with? The resources in my mind: The Intelligent Investor, A Random Walk Down Wall Street Thanks!

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Dropbox shembass Feb 14, 2018

Mr money mustache is a solid blog. Bogleheads is a good forum.

Udacity šŸ”+šŸŸ Feb 14, 2018

The millionaire next door Rich Dad poor Dad I will reach you to be rich Total money makeover

gumby9 Feb 14, 2018

The book Total Money Makeover or the Financial Peace University class changed my life for the better.

Microsoft rMyU80 Feb 14, 2018

Reddit /r/personalfinance

mzYS52 Feb 14, 2018

+1. the flowchart on their wiki of how to get your finances in order is pretty best of breed. covers where to put the next dollar all the way from getting out of debt to investing $100k per year.

Amazon uuy4fx Feb 14, 2018

Any book by William Bernstein. You can find a free one on his efficientftontier website and a bunch on Amazon.

Citibank oTcY13 Feb 14, 2018

Common sense on mutual funds by Jack Bogle.