Tech IndustryOct 26, 2019

Recruiting underqualified candidates to meet quotas

Some coworkers have suggested that the job market is strong because they receive many messages from recruiters. However, they are getting turned down by nearly every company. Thinking about some of the recruitment messages that I receive, I am underqualified for almost all of the positions. Are tech recruiters just blasting out messages to candidates that have a snowball's chance in hell of qualifying so that they can meet some quota? I've heard stories of some teams who want to bring in an internal candidate, but run interviews with external candidates despite having already made up their mind on accepting the internal candidate. I originally thought such cases were the exception, but the data is suggesting that leading candidates on just to check a quota box may be more common. Can anyone support or refute this claim?

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Citadel Securities bluetiger Oct 26, 2019

No recruiters are blasting out messages to candidates that have no chance of qualifying because why not. Sending emails is cheaper than actually doing basic research

Riverbed Technology ydhnnana Oct 26, 2019

You are more than qualified as long as you can LC.

Samsung sumsung Oct 26, 2019

Some of the positions might be for green cards for the positions which don't exist

NVIDIA acfm Oct 26, 2019


cTrv14 Oct 26, 2019

I went to an interview once where after I got there it was clear I wasn’t a good fit. I think I was just filling someone’s monthly quota. Kinda a waste of my, and the other party’s, time. I agree, I think it’s because emails are cheap.

Microsoft 🐉 Dragon Oct 26, 2019

I can confirm that is happens a fair amount. I’ve been the applicant and I’ve had many instances where it feels like they never even looked at my resume because I didn’t even get the first Interview.

Infogyx Oct 26, 2019

It’s a big game. They do things even shadier than this. There are about 22 tricks. For the most part, jobs are always about 99% fake. There’s a great deal of testing and data gathering that happens. If you want a job, know someone inside with influence.

Microsoft 🐉 Dragon Oct 26, 2019

Poll idea: Let’s create a Google Docs for companies which have done this to us. I’ll add some names to the list to get us started: KRG NUTECH SYSTEMS INC. ZEN3 Crystal Equation Corporation Critigen

Microsoft 🐉 Dragon Oct 26, 2019

Or better yet, have something like circle of trust for Company names so you don’t send your personal information to a Job Opportunity Phishing Scam.

👩‍🎨🖍🎨 Oct 26, 2019

Yeah I don’t know where companies got my info but I got tons of job spam in my non professional spam account. I must have signed up for some random site and they sold the info. When I ask where they got my contact info they say some database. I’m sure my portfolio/resume isn’t in that database because all have up to date email info. So I get software engineer job spam sometimes when I’m not a software engineer. Helps though cause I don’t respond to any reach out that goes to that email. Every once in a while when they send too many I’ll tell them they have the wrong email and please remove it from their list.