Reinterview with Google after passing HC

I’ve been in team match phase for 2 months and it’s starting wear me down. I’m thinking of taking an offer elsewhere. What is the process like for candidates who passed HC and reapply after 12 months? Do I need to do everything all over again? BTW, I interviewed for an Interaction Design position but general insights are welcome too. Thanks.

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Microsoft wlb Apr 9, 2018

Dude team match for 2 months? What’s up with you? Team shopping won’t give you any pay bumps!

O'Reilly Media XaHD85 OP Apr 9, 2018

I know. I wasn’t particularly thrilled about the team and thought I’d try my luck waiting for another team.

Microsoft AmIEwok Apr 9, 2018

What do you think about your other offer(s)? You probably don’t even have the numbers from Google yet, so it’s not even clear it’s worth holding out for the money.

Microsoft AmIEwok Apr 9, 2018

OP, I think you’d be doing the right thing. Anyway, after 12 months, it’s rinse and repeat.

O'Reilly Media XaHD85 OP Apr 9, 2018

Yeah. I’m thinking the same. Another year of experience and a chance to perform better during the interview and find a better match.

Google Yelp Apr 16, 2018

If you're underleveled, it's not too challenging to be promoted within a year which might be better than a reinterview