Office LifeJul 17, 2019

Reject after interview

Did you ever reject a company after an interview ( I don’t know if I will even get a offer) but felt so bad after talking to them ? Felt the hiring manager was so rude ? What do you do?

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UnitedHealthcare I’m money Jul 17, 2019

Why are there so many questions like this on Blind? 1. If you never get an offer, don’t do anything 2. If you get an offer, say “Thank you, but I am going to keep looking.” Anything else is just overthinking

Fannie Mae 996 Jul 17, 2019

People in tech have poor communication skills

Expedia wAoU28 Jul 17, 2019

Consider our eyes opened

Altria Kthak Jul 17, 2019

I rejected a second interview for SunTrust bank after the VP told me he didn't have time to read my resume. Then said he was too important to waste his time with asking me question and told me to impress him. I got up said "Thank and if he isn't willing to be professional then this isn't a fit for me." The recruiter called me the next day and said made it through to the next round. I said I would not being going to the next interview.

Amazon acker Jul 17, 2019

I have rejected offers, I'm never rude. I don't need to make any enemies in our small industry. I usually just say I've found a better opportunity and thank them for their time.