Tech IndustryJun 1, 2019
SAPsappy papi

Rejected and dejected

Interviewed onsite at Facebook and got rejected. I know it’s part of life and it’s my shortcomings which led to this and I should work harder but I still feel like 💩. I feel like a failure and that I will never be good enough for FAANG. I practiced Leetcode and got a fairly easy question but kind of just blanked and the tiny easel style whiteboard did not help.

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Google ahx Jun 1, 2019

I failed FB too, don't sweat, keep practicing, interview elsewhere.

Facebook deepanalys Jun 2, 2019

Me too.

Facebook el_idolo1 Jun 1, 2019

I think you blanked because you're very clearly way too nervous and put too much pressure on yourself. Find a way to mitigate that. Good enough for FAANG? Don't think like that, it's poor thinking and your pity party won't get you anything good in return.

blindor Jun 1, 2019

Everything happens for a reason. Move on, learn, adapt, and keep growing stronger.

T-Mobile fun oh Jun 1, 2019

Grinding...for a lifetime...

Internet Brands letsgoooo Jun 1, 2019

Introduction to Algorithms === has waaaay harder problems than LC hards 😂 greatest book though.

Amazon I5swfi Jun 1, 2019

This is no longer the Bible for interviewing. That honor goes to Leetcode.

xizX84j Jun 1, 2019

Next time remember the Russian tactic: 2 shots of vodka one hour before the interview !

Oracle aiabc Jun 1, 2019

I know the feeling I gave practice rounds , non faang all 6 places got rejected onsite .... but will stand up , dust off and leetcode and design more , more ML

Microsoft sorndbdvv Jun 1, 2019

While there are times to look into oneself to reflect, one shouldn’t take these things too seriously. I screwed up Amazon *screener* and got up leveled by Google and am now joining them. It not just about your skills, there is luck in it too.

Logitech sallE2dx Jun 1, 2019

You are not good enough to FAANG. There's nothing more to look in to. Look for non-FAANG jobs and TC or GTFO. JK. You can try again next year right? Time to study.

Microsoft no-sql Jun 1, 2019

Feel good that you went onsite to Fb. They rejected me on phone itself 😕

Microsoft gqne23 Jun 1, 2019

Me too :(

Marvell HybridCar Jun 1, 2019

A rejection in an interview doesn’t mean shit about you - it just means it wasn’t your day. Like others have mentioned, don’t be hard on yourself. Think of interview as a lottery. There will be better days.