Tech IndustryMay 30, 2019

Resume length?

If you have degrees above a Bachelor’s, add your extra years of education to your YOE. What do you think is appropriate? Where would you stop caring as a recruiter / hiring manager? Do volunteer experience or small side projects belong?

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Google ahx May 30, 2019

1 page always, remove the unimportant or old stuff imo.

ConocoPhillips name🦐 OP May 30, 2019

That was my opinion but several coworkers are fine with 2 page resumes.

Google ahx May 30, 2019

unless you're Jeff Dean, you really don't have enough recent accomplishments (less than 7-8 years) to fill 2 pages at a high level. 2nd page just adds noise and makes it seem like you're trying hard. people usually don't look at it more than 20-30 seconds at most.

hellllooo May 30, 2019

1 page always even with a lot of experience. The less detail you put the more you can talk about it in an interview.

Nextdoor for🦊sake May 30, 2019

Whatever is on your resume is fair game for discussion. Summarize it into one page and be prepared to Ace any question regarding any info on it. Curious - are you applying cold or through someone you know?

hellllooo May 30, 2019

Exactly. Less that's on there the less ammo they have for deep dive into specifics.

siwndnisb May 30, 2019

One page is the best. When see a resume on 3 pages I don’t even bother to read. Usually it’s bullshit.

Amgen Fin4eng May 30, 2019

No more than 2 pages ever. At least ~7 yoe until you should need two pages

siwndnisb May 30, 2019

More experience, less pages ;)

Nextdoor for🦊sake May 30, 2019

By this math I have 23 YOE so my resume is just a url to my LinkedIn account

MeatCode May 30, 2019

I can barely fill up 1 page on my resume 🤗. YOE 1

VMware tyxS31 May 30, 2019

My resume is 5+ pages, I don't give a crap about whoever says the resume should a Max of X long, it is as long as it should be

VMware tyxS31 May 30, 2019

Before you ask 15 YoE

Google fdshhddhj May 30, 2019

What if you have lots of publications?

Google ahx May 30, 2019

highly cited/popular or recent publication, sure. an old publication no one cared about, who cares?

saltysauce May 31, 2019

My resume is 3 pages and I have no problem getting interviews. But It is important to add a summary to the first page, most people do not read the 2nd and 3rd page.