HousingJan 10, 2019

Roommate leases

Do you people usually sign an agreement with your roommate with certain conditions apart from the apartment lease? Have faced a couple of unreasonable roommates and am looking to avoid this in the future. Stuff around not keeping guests for extended time and cleaning schedules, responsibility etc. I get it that it may not be legally binding but at least it sets an initial expectation.

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Amazon Srh Jan 10, 2019

Sheldon, do you need a Leanord?

Microsoft naaam Jan 10, 2019

You should totally do a roommate lease. Online templates are available and it's easy. I learned it the hard way but now always make it a point.

Google 1234-/:;( Jan 10, 2019

If its it unenforceable what does that accomplish?

Amazon npYz41 OP Jan 10, 2019

Like I said. It just sets expectations before hand when living with a new person. My older roommate made a lot of assumptions about living styles and it would help weed out such ppl.