

Best way to learn SQL?

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Cisco TechLeadd Aug 17, 2018

Build a CRUD app using LAMP stack on your own. If you get stuck on a certain part google it and document it. I swear this is the best way to learn

tVMo40 Aug 18, 2018

Not sure that the OP is best served by a CRUD app, perhaps the time spent learning the stack would be better spent learning SQL itself. Question to OP : make sure you understand where you are headed - do you need to know a specific database, do you need to adhere to a specific SQL standard? Look for training that includes CTE, window expressions, and parallelization techniques, etc - there’s a ton of sites that just cover the old standards and you miss out on a lot

Uber oXbI53 Jun 10, 2021

I'll tutor you if you're interested. We will focus solely on passing faang interviews

Facebook misaeng Aug 17, 2018

Leetcode has a SQL section, is also pretty good.

Capital One desu Aug 17, 2018

I just did w3schools. But, DB normalization is some hard shit that required me to take a class to figure out in college

Cisco TechLeadd Aug 17, 2018

There are fantastic BCNF tutorials on YouTube that are easily 10x better then any lecture

Capital One desu Aug 17, 2018

My lecturer gave a fuck and was not foreign, so I disagree... BCNF is some shit though, so you might be right.

Zillow Group nSYk88 Aug 17, 2018

Zillow Group PyFTW Aug 17, 2018

Just please don’t call it S-Q-L

Apple Objekt Aug 18, 2018

SQL was initially developed at IBM by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce. It was initially called “Structured English Query Language” (SEQUEL) and pronounced “sequel”, though it later had to have it's name shortened to “Structured Query Language” (SQL) due to trademark issues

LimeBike jOVY68 Nov 2, 2018

Mode Analytics SQL tutorial is the best value for time

Intuit 💭💭👍🍔😃⚽️ Feb 16, 2020

DM me I can send u the top SQL questions asked in data science interviews.

Walmart wassupdog Apr 23, 2020

Do you still have the material to share? Can I please DM you?

Deloitte Zeus21 Dec 6, 2020

Could you please share the SQL questions with me? Thanks!

MobilityWare lkkhgfdsa Apr 22, 2020

codeacademy good place for zero experience to build some confidence and lingo to be able to Google questions and learn

Wisconsin Department of Health S mVXt61 Jan 10, 2022


Dell corpslave0 May 30, 2022
