Tech IndustryAug 25, 2018

SRE bar?

Currently a Sys Eng at Amazon. Is the SRE bar at Google the same as a SWE? I heard that a lot of SWEs are recruited to become SREs. Also what is the preferred/most popular language for SREs over at Google? Go/Python? The job postings I see are listed as Systems Engineering - SRE

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Google xgFH17 Aug 25, 2018

I don’t think SRE here writes much code. I don’t think the interview may be much different perhaps more focus on sysadmin

Google SoSad Aug 26, 2018

You’re wrong.

Google ctx Aug 26, 2018

You are wrong. [2] SRE could be a SWE or a System Engineer. The first one has the same bar because is a SWE position. You could expect lower algorithm bar for SE, but higher system bar.

Apple Anyb0dy Aug 25, 2018

SREs are of two types here at Google (yes i am at Google) : 1. Sys Admin SREs (who does mostly pushes and other day to day routine tasks). 2. SWE SRE (who writes toolchains for SREs to do push effectively). So if you are going for the sys admin side then coding questions should be easy to medium. But if you are going to SWE SRE then expect full fledged SWE level interview.

Amazon eminence OP Aug 25, 2018

Thanks for the insight. Do I have a huge hurdle if I’m naturally a Windows person? Seems like the foundations over there are Linux heavy at a fairly deep level.

Facebook Danzaa Aug 26, 2018

I'm a windows person and I got a SWE-SRE offer from Google. There were Linux systems questions on the initial screening and onsite. BTW, SWE-SRE and SA-SRE work together on the same teams, doing the same work, and usually don't know which of their peers are SA or SWE. Every SRE is responsible for automating routine tasks.

h7xh4 Feb 5, 2019

sre interview for me was easy on the code, hard on systems

Amazon Redux Feb 5, 2019

Any good resources to read up on for Systems portion?