Tech IndustryJun 12, 2019

SWE Yearly Base Salary Increase

Hi everyone. I have an offer from Adobe and and contemplating accepting it. I was wondering does Adobe increase the base salary for devs every year? If so does anyone know the average % increase?

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SAP gpa2.9 Jun 12, 2019

What school did u go to ? HTTP 418 Jun 12, 2019

Does that matter?

Psynaptic Jun 12, 2019

Only before your first two positions

OmegaFi jorquart Jun 12, 2019

Your base should go up by 3-7% when inflation and market average is taken into account. Anything more will be due to you asking for a raise or getting a promotion.

DangIt Jun 14, 2019

Guidance is approximately 3-4% per year. Management can give more, but that means they take away from someone else.

Tesla InmR60 OP Jun 14, 2019

Were you at Adobe?/ are you there now?

DangIt Jun 16, 2019