CompensationAug 20, 2019

Salary comparison feature

How many of you will provide your salary information to Blind (app/company)?

408 Participants
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Amazon SmkWdEvyDy Aug 20, 2019

I gave accurate numbers. I signed up with my work email, so my anonymity to Blind the company is already 0. Why do I care if they know how poor I am? Plus if enough people answer accurately it could be a pretty interesting source. And finally something to use points on. It's few enough points that is it basically free, but it's still something.

Bloomberg WSCH <GO> Aug 20, 2019

How does this work though? Can't find the option.

Amazon SmkWdEvyDy Aug 20, 2019

Click on the 3 dot menu at the bottom of the home page. There is a salary comparison tool there

Google 4EVR OP Aug 20, 2019

Update your app before you do that though

Taylor Farms azerty_ Aug 20, 2019

They’ll sell that info to whichever company pays for it. Forget about not telling future employers about past salaries. They won’t even need to ask the question 😀😀

NVIDIA coolpm Aug 20, 2019

It’s like paying an escort, 400 points for every new salary information requested.

Amazon SmkWdEvyDy Aug 20, 2019

If escorts were that cheap, there wouldn't be so many whiny incels around here.

Google 4EVR OP Aug 20, 2019

It's good to see so many people willing to post accurate numbers. Keeping the privacy/ethical/meaningless discussions/concerns aside, now we can really trust this tool and use it for our next pay discussion with our hiring managers