Misc.Jan 14, 2019

Selenium webDriver using java

Hey guys, I'm trying to crack this but seem to be getting stuck. I've proposed to find returned CS on the page by using xpath (below) and if statement to check for the condition. //*[contains(text(),'CS')] //tagname[text()='CS'] Can I get a second or third eye of advise on this simple coding problem: Write a test case that performs the following steps in searching for computer science classes. Test case automated in java and manual 1. Navigate to https://oscar.gatech.edu/ and selects “Schedule of Classes” 2. Select the “Spring 2019” option from the “Search by Term” dropdown and click the submit button. 3. Select “Computer Science” as the subject and click the “Class Search” button. 4. Grab the class name class name, CRN number, course number, and section for every result and verify that only computer science classes were returned by verifying the letters “CS” displays in the class information header. 5. Your test should fail it one entry does not contain the letters “CS” and pass if all entries contain the letters “CS”. Thanks for any help, refs, code snips! Cheers

Georgia Institute of Technology :: Georgia Tech Web Access System
Georgia Institute of Technology :: Georgia Tech Web Access System
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DuQvV7x Jan 14, 2019

This would be better on Stack Overflow

Microsoft rickg Jan 14, 2019

This isn't a place for your homework problems.

Google whelmed Jan 14, 2019

Of course someone from Cognizant would ask this on Blind 🤦‍♂️

Amazon 8==🤠 Jan 14, 2019

Stop it, wrong place And why tag Google and Microsoft?

Intel fialy Jan 14, 2019

They probably use selenium all the time? How else does google search the web? /s

Glassdoor HelenaR Jan 14, 2019

First off , Don't use xpath. And second go to stack overflow or some technical forum to ask this question.