Tech IndustryOct 21, 2019

Seriously though, why all the facebook hate?

They have great TC, perks and decent WLB. Plus they created a product that changed the world and how we connect with each other.

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Amazon SDE III Oct 21, 2019

...for the worse.

IIlIllIlII Oct 21, 2019

Who the fuck cares? As a ML PhD I'll gladly work for Chinese surveillance companies if they paid more than their US counterparts. TC is the most important thing for 97% of Americans. Why else are they spending 8-12 hours a day working? (TC is not the only thing, but it's the most important)

Amazon SDE III Oct 21, 2019

Every brothel will find its hookers.

Cruise Automation jhoeoo Oct 21, 2019

Hating Facebook is a fad that will pass. That’s why I’m holding onto FB shares, I haven’t regretted it

Square 68hhjs6 Oct 21, 2019

It’s funny when people are like “delete fb!” Lollll. Facebook owns Instagram and WhatsApp. You can’t “boycott” or “delete” fb without deleting the other two. Cambridge analytica has followed fb for such a long time, people just want to hate.

Salesforce gpio Oct 21, 2019

I did delete all of them...

Lyft wXfl07 Oct 21, 2019

What is Instagram. What is WhatsApp.

Google Lilacs Oct 21, 2019

I've deleted them all. Write me a letter by owl post.

Twitch yikesman Oct 21, 2019

Decent WLB? Never heard that.

Ab44 Oct 22, 2019

Wlb that force you to take your life sounds healthy

Facebook kygo Oct 21, 2019

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Despite the mass hate and constant negative PR, the company is still going strong and beating expectations, and is still a top place to work at. The challenges this company faces through its product are extremely tough to solve and the company is trying to get to a better shape, believe it or not. I’m not an advocate for Facebook, and I do agree the company screwed up big time at numerous occasions, but as one of the comments above stated - the hate is just a fad. It will pass on to some other scapegoat with time.

Dropbox pradbitt Oct 21, 2019

I’ve heard WLB isn’t good there. Any FBers want to weigh in on that?

Facebook Tgko24 Oct 21, 2019

Nowhere near as bad as blind makes it seem - my team and many others I know work 35~40 hours per week with 50 at the max once in a while (every few months when there is oncall), which is why FB gets high satisfaction ratings in most rankings and why attrition is low. Blind is an echo chamber for those who haven't worked here and the few with gripes. Remember, the majority of happy employees aren't on here. I only came to blind during the job search.

Google Lilacs Oct 21, 2019

How come Blinders aren't negative about WLB at other companies such as Adobe, Google, Microsoft, and Salesforce? Is it a conspiracy?

Apple procto Oct 21, 2019

Friendly fraud.

^H Oct 21, 2019

What is a facebook?

Ab44 Oct 22, 2019

Because it's a company that covered up suicide, fired a guy for having a YouTube channel and at the same time trick other people to share a lot of data. Such disgusting double standard Also the product sucks hard now, same posts appear again and again and the Normal friend feed is gone