Women in TechAug 4, 2018

Sexism in Apple

I have to raise my voice here, in SWE, one of my previous group, guys are bully towards me. I am a female experienced engineer. I reported to HR, then HR covered them. And point the finger to me. Classic backlash of meToo movement. I also report sexual harassment in this group before. When out for team lunch, a guy referred at the food I ordered as male’s body part. Then all the retaliation came from his male friends in the group. The manager purposely ask me to use illegal content or unreleased photo to do my work or upload to social media, to try to get me fired! I reported to HR, they again cover up for the manager, saying he just learning... hello, leak is criminal in Apple now, and Apple obviously help to manager to get me into trouble. Horrible story right? And it is true and it happens in Apple now!

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Amazon onMyWay Aug 4, 2018


Flagged by the community.
Apple bRrK87 OP Aug 4, 2018

You should be kicked out from this board just because of your manner!!!

Glooko nfg Aug 4, 2018

Amazon comment was harsh but your response sort of confirms...

Glooko nfg Aug 4, 2018

A couple thoughts. First, being targeted is never fun, that's unfortunate you had to experience that. Second, you seem to acknowledge going to HR quite frequently. HR's job is to minimize PR/legal damage, not to be punitive to offenders. Really should be considered last resort and not first course of action. It happens everywhere, so don't be surprised. Just be glad you're no longer on that team.

Amazon sumit.star Aug 5, 2018

+1 it is a false assumption that HR helps employees in any case. They are paid by the company. I've seen it twice that the reporting person was managed out and the offender is still around . You are considered as a troublemaker not a victim who is reaching out for help. I am deeply sorry.

Oracle dpkE40 Aug 5, 2018

I'm sorry, but that's straight bullshit. HR is there to enforce company policies and supposed to be a safe route for people to report things like this. To the OP, document everything. Keep records. Be prepared to file a complaint in your local jurisdiction if needed. Don't let yourself or others be walked on.

Amazon Planck Aug 4, 2018

Going to HR over a crude joke about what a food item looks like seems over the top. That is not a metoo moment. If somebody makes an offcolor joke, you politely ask them to stop. If they keep doing it, then you go to HR. By overusing HR you end up looking like the woman who cried wolf, so to speak. Not defending the targeting and the rest, but it certainly sounds like there is more to this story than you being harassed.

Apple bRrK87 OP Aug 4, 2018

I don’t think you read the whole story. Or you are an Apple HR?

Glooko nfg Aug 4, 2018

Someone offers solid feedback and this is how you respond? This thread is done.

Apple bRrK87 OP Aug 4, 2018

Apple can as bad as Uber and others in sexism, or worse! Trillions dollar company doesn’t pain them golden in this aspect.

Google Snwflake Aug 5, 2018

I'm sure the "sexism" here that you experienced is juvenile compared to your home country. Maybe you should take a vacation back home to put things in a relative state.

eBay mocambo Aug 5, 2018

So she should be ‘grateful’ you think?

Apple bRrK87 OP Aug 4, 2018

I think a lot of guys get offended here, right? We are women working in tech, not for your free entertainment or abuse.

Amazon onMyWay Aug 4, 2018

Uhh what?

Microsoft gVdh73 Aug 4, 2018

Holy hell op. Get off your high horse.

Splunk 🥓🥓🥓! Aug 4, 2018

Males are fragile. Someone calls op a BITCH and when she stands up for herself she's "over reacting". Someone else says sexual harrasment (and what she describes is actual bonafide sexual harrasment) and someoke mansplains sexual harrasment of women to her. All you men replying are fragile insecure gas lighters. 🙅‍♀️

Amazon onMyWay Aug 4, 2018

You realize someone of us get called a bitch quite often right? It’s a word, on the internet, on an anonymous board. Try not to be so sensitive.

Glooko nfg Aug 4, 2018

"You're a b!tch" "No, you're a b!tch and so is your mom" what are we, in elementary school still?

Apple bRrK87 OP Aug 4, 2018

My experience was not only harassment, but also retaliation and targeting. Apple HR actually favor the manager to manipulate me to use illegal content and punish unreleased Apple content on social media, and down play he just learning...

Twitter Lolly Aug 5, 2018

I don’t know wtf you’re saying, but if you involve HR over something stupid like a crude joke at a dinner table - they will try to get rid of you. HR is not supposed to babysit snowflakes but protect the company and overall employee health.

Twitter Lolly Aug 5, 2018

Also wtf do you mean by “punish unreleased Apple content”? Lol

Cisco Poshed Aug 4, 2018

Don’t post on blind they hate women here

VMware yogiman Aug 4, 2018

I agree with Cisco. Anything you say will be considered as whining. Haven't seen one productive discussion on this topic yet.

Apple bRrK87 OP Aug 4, 2018

Your manager tried to lure you to be criminal, you think is winning?

VMware yogiman Aug 4, 2018

I have a friend at Apple and I know how seriously they take leaks. But like I said, wrong forum for a healthy discussion