Should I get an MBA?

I have 8 years of experience. Making $170k total comp. Current role is comms planning, but wanting to switch to product marketing. If I attempt to get an MBA, I would only target top 3, like HBS or Stanford GSB. Would it be worth it? Tuition would be $140k, opportunity cost would be $340k. Should I go for it? Or should I just find a PMM role at a smaller company then boomerang back as PMM at FB?

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Amazon Greenteam Dec 7, 2018

Find PMM role in FB. It’s going to be difficult but not impossible. You don’t need an expensive top MBA for that.

Netflix Az2H91 Dec 7, 2018

What’s your expected comp as a PMM? You gave the costs but not the potential earnings.

Amazon Awse Dec 7, 2018

Not worth it. MBAs time is GONE...

IBM masalamoe Dec 7, 2018

If you can get in to one of those programs 100% go for it. Get in to consulting or finance get stupid rich and run for Senate.

Splunk KE94107 Dec 7, 2018

It’s a lottery to get in. Tried & failed: good recommendations, near perfect GMAT score, had already worked at big well-known companies /and/ started a company that was successful enough to sell into a private-equity deal. 6 top schools all turned me down, and most of my friends who’ve tried have found similar long odds. Not impossible, but the application process is a lot of effort for a low likelihood of success.

IBM masalamoe Dec 7, 2018

What was your major and gpa? Also where did you do undergrad?

Twitch CP0 Dec 7, 2018

^ if a program is making enrollment decisions based mostly on those after you've worked for 8 years, that program is pretty shitty.

Adobe etvv78 Dec 7, 2018

I have an MBA and currently am a PMM. An MBA helps a lot, but you might be able to convince a no name company to take a chance on you. I say try getting a PMM role in the next few months and if you’re unsuccessful, go get an MBA.

Twitter Saulder Dec 7, 2018

i think u just answered ur own question.... and u already did the math..

Microsoft Wiiiiii Dec 7, 2018

Get NBA if you like basketball.

Oracle おもしわい Dec 7, 2018

Not really sure of the value of MBA these days when SDE’s are making 500k++ On the other hand, I plan to do an international MBA next year for “fun”. 20++ YOE 500k+ TC (not software dev)

Intel (⌐■_■) Dec 7, 2018

In Japan I presume? Sophia U? Also "omoshiwai," say whaaa?

Oracle おもしわい Dec 7, 2018

Planning to attend MIT international MBA program as it is hybrid. Omoshiwai = “it is funny”

Microsoft Memegenplz Dec 7, 2018

Not worth it. Your comp is already higher than entering MBA. Look at an executive MBA program if you really want to and get work to pay for it