Tech IndustrySep 12, 2019

Should I keep interviewing?

I Already accepted an offer from Google. But, FB and Apple finally woke up after 2 months and they have scheduled my phone interviews. Should I just continue with their interview process? I have no intention of joining them for now. If I clear their interviews now, will I have a better chance of getting noticed and my interview process done quickly in future unlike this time? Location: India Google TC: 36 lakhs INR YoE: 2

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Kabbage fxnM15 Sep 12, 2019

You’ve accepted the offer. You really won’t gain much out of this.

Cerner StyaPichai Sep 12, 2019

Go ahead and give the interviews. You will know what their interview process looks like. Also, do not stop preparing. If you crack fb/apple, you can have that confidence that you can crack them anytime in future as well. Also, if they offer you something you cannot reject, may be you will have a better compensation to nego with google. If you do not crack them, then you know where you are lacking skills and can keep that in mind in future. Also, you get to stay in hotels, eat free foodand roam places lol. You do not have anything to lose here. But a lot to gain if you use this opportunity well.

Microsoft _nutanix Sep 12, 2019

You don't negotiate after accepting offer. Bad idea IMO.

Cerner StyaPichai Sep 12, 2019

True, I agree with that. But, it also depends on how you nego. He can say.."I just got an offer from F and the team is really interesting and this is what they are offering. I was just thinking if you could match this. I really like the current team and excited to join Google. G has always been my first preference and I just wanted to take a chance to see if you can match with this offer." I don't see any 'burning the bridge' issue if you ask like this. You either get it matched if they are really nice or you will get a soft No from the recruiter. Atleast you won't regret anytime in future for not asking. Negotitaion not being the primary topic here, Ignoring it, all other points mentioned are legit atleast to keep interviewing.

Juniper jocker Sep 12, 2019

TC or gtfo?

Flipkart nowGoogle OP Sep 12, 2019


Juniper jocker Sep 12, 2019

Can you share Google offer? Location? Current comp

Flipkart nowGoogle OP Sep 12, 2019

Updated post

Microsoft _nutanix Sep 12, 2019

I assume FB's location is London, right? What about Apple?

Flipkart nowGoogle OP Sep 12, 2019

FB Singapore. For Apple, it's India.

Wells Fargo qUyB01 Sep 12, 2019

Interview and see. If you get Singapore at a decent TC go earn money and have fun while you are young

Microsoft kwodk Sep 12, 2019

no need to waste time on interviews, enjoy life.

Microsoft kwodk Sep 12, 2019

u need to build up yoe, google is already the top

Apple ptfan Sep 12, 2019

Can you share TC breakup. Also find out what team you are interviewing at Apple. It's pointless if it's IS&T

AT&T random25 ⚽️ Oct 20, 2019

Don’t waste your time for FB/Apple etc. Join Google👍