Tech IndustryMay 30, 2018

Should I reveal where I am going?

I will be leaving Snap. Just thinking should I disclose to my teammates about my prospective employer? My thoughts r not to influence them on leaving. I am sure ppl 'll keep asking about this as like most probable gossip. I don't know how to avoid it or say I don't want to disclose. i am inclined about lying about company name. I know ppl checks LinkedIn and our path might cross. But, this look safe option. Any thoghts?

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Microsoft BarFoo May 30, 2018

Donā€™t lie. Either tell them if they ask, or tell them you prefer not to say.

MuleSoft kapok May 30, 2018

I still donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s wrong with telling them about your next employer?

Google gcfstbuvff May 30, 2018

Why do they need to know? Just like in software, expose as much as you need, but not more.

Snapchat mBrookzAhz Jun 19, 2018

this guy gets it. principal of least privilege

Twitch BrianEno May 30, 2018

Fuck no. California is a 'right to work' state. They can toss you out, you can walk out. Are any of these people your friends? Tell them the day of, walk to IT, drop your gear, go to HR, hand resignation, walk out.

Luffy, M.D May 30, 2018

At will, not right to work. Right to work is an anti union thing and as a former union member I'm glad CA isn't.

Lirp66 May 30, 2018

Wouldn't this burn bridge. Reference will be bad.

Amazon odVN70 May 30, 2018

Just tell them. People don't really care. It's like ten second gossip that'll lead into another topic

Twitch BrianEno May 30, 2018

"I decline to answer";"peace out";"fuck you; - all acceptable answers

Salesforce MarcBeni May 30, 2018

By the way, which company you are gng to? šŸ˜œ

Snapchat n7SdA May 30, 2018

Unless you have a really horrible manager who will try to screw you itā€™s fine to just tell. And people will eventually find out anyway unless you have virtually no connections or online presence. Why are you so worried? Source: See people leaving Snap now and then. And we find out where people go sooner or later. If this was many years ago it might have been a big deal

Luffy, M.D May 30, 2018

If you don't want to answer now, but you're not joining the CIA or something just suggest people connect with you on LinkedIn. Builds your network and they'll get to see in a couple of weeks when everyone else does.

Amazon Zappe May 30, 2018

Depends on your team and manager. I will never say a word till the day I will resign. Fucking politics.

Microsoft Minnieā€™s May 30, 2018

Just tell them youā€™ll let them know after you start and/or theyā€™ll know after you tell manager/supervisor