Tech IndustryNov 27, 2019

Should I start after vacation or start early and take early vacation?

I have an offer from a company but also have extended holiday vacation plans (2 weeks from Christmas to into the New Years). I have the option of either (1) starting after the vacation or (2) starting immediately and taking the 2 week vacation 3 weeks into my new employment. Assuming for sure can ask for (2) and get it as the team seems to want get me started quick - is it even wise to do so? I am cautious that there is a difference between "technically allowed and wanted" vs. actual real effect on first impression regardless of whatever justifying circumstance I have worked out. To complicate things, the company has an unlimited vacation policy (almost worse as I'd rather just take days I'm given rather than take free days in a situation like this) and a high intensity culture. This is my first big job change so I am careful not too be a little naive here. Which is why I'm now looking to the sage crowd wisdom of Blind :P Any experience and answers would help!

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Google AIMLOK Nov 27, 2019

Start early and take vacation so you begin vesting earlier.

lHpK84 Nov 27, 2019

Many other employees will likely be off at same time, so if the option was offered why not start early? Get your onboarding done sooner, insurance started, etc. You'll get all your new hire stuff done and be ready to start new year doing your job

Oracle xanz Nov 27, 2019

How’s your rapport with the hiring manager? Usually planned vacations aren’t a big deal when starting a new job, esp around the holiday season. Don’t think it would be unreasonable to casually mention it and ask what they would prefer.

Amazon fnei3863 Nov 27, 2019

You’re going to leave that Mastercard 125% 401k match? 🤔

Bloomberg GO<GO> Nov 27, 2019

Definitely start after vacation if the company is Amazon, FB or Netflix.

MasterCard blahdedah OP Nov 27, 2019

It's Netflix :P

Google stockmkt Nov 27, 2019

Why these companies

Weedmaps AUFy44 Nov 27, 2019

I pushed my start date to the beginning of January. Partially for my own vacation, partially because I didn’t want my onboarding interrupted by a couple weeks while everyone was out of the office.

Airbnb avqx65 Nov 28, 2019

I personally think that you starting vesting 2 weeks earlier or w/e is super negligible. If I were you I’d start after just because I’d love 2 weeks of pure, absolute detachment from work (which you might not get if you started the new job).