Tech IndustryApr 20, 2019

Should my wife learn to code?

My wife has two equally low worth masters degrees, one in nutrition, one in education. She's been a stay at home mom for the past 11 years (TC 0), but is thinking about rejoining the workforce at some point. Should I teach her some python and make her Leetcode? Can someone in their mid 40s just jump into a coding career at a no-name company? I kind of don't think it would be worth it (happy wife, happy life) for her to go back to some sub 50k a year job.

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Goldman Sachs not_Lloyd Apr 20, 2019

#learntocode @Twitter

hqWe60 Apr 20, 2019


NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

0. Stay at home mom.

Zillow Group GgjN77 Apr 20, 2019

Sometimes you want to patch a bug, sometimes you want to do a rewrite, sometimes you delete the repo and start from scratch

OSIsoft killerwhal Apr 20, 2019

Why does she need to work? If you're in the Bay Area, there are 1y or 3m coding or data science boot camps like Galvanize with a near guaranteed job at the end.

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

Interesting. Not in bay area, but maybe there is something like that closer to home.

Lam Research rektkid Apr 20, 2019

Why not ? Age is just a number. I’ve seen similar stories get into data analysis or scientists after 1-2 years of boot camp training

mypage Apr 20, 2019

Which one?

Amazon 🦎 gecko Apr 20, 2019

She doesn’t wanna be a teacher? Job satisfaction for teachers is high even though TC is low.

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

She's not wanting to go back to teaching high school. Possibly at a Jr college, but that is truly shit pay.

Microsoft travellers Apr 20, 2019

What does she want?

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

Hell if I know. What does any wife really want.

Goldman Sachs gslobby Apr 20, 2019

I feel you buddy

🍏 Tim Apr 20, 2019

It’s not always about money. You should encourager her to go back to work and pursue her dreams regardless of how much she will make. Support her to do what she likes.

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

At some level it is though. She basically has shit for retirement, and having worked in various public jobs (county hospital, high school teacher), she really hasn't even contributed to social security because of alternative retirement systems in those public jobs.

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

Planning on it, anything can happen. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. It would allow both of us to have a better and possibly earlier retirement.

Synack y7sd4kq9c Apr 20, 2019

Only if she wants to. Companies are now doing “returnships” in the Bay Area for women looking to enter the workforce again. I bet she’d make a comparable amount though if she can monetize teaching out on nutrition - huge market for that

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

Wow, never heard of "returnships" before. That's really interesting.

Facebook ATraveller Feb 6, 2020

Facebook has a "return to work" program. Recently had a former officer mom who took a break from the workforce come to our team as a PM. After a period she was extended an offer.

Apple hbvm53 Apr 20, 2019

Coding is an excellent skill. Python is used everywhere and not difficult to learn. Also coding gives you possibilities of work from home jobs. Good idea. Looking for some kind of institutes which have tie ins with corporations is a good idea.

Square ☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️ Apr 20, 2019

Learning to code at a level to get hired takes lots of patience and persistence. Does she have both

NIC cwCD00 OP Apr 20, 2019

I think so.