Tech IndustryAug 17, 2018

Siri Onsite New Grad

Recruiter did not provide any links or study material or any pointers. What should I study as a new grad. I have been doing leetcode. Help is appreciated TC: None New Grad

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Tesla LEETCODER Aug 17, 2018

1.Two sum/ three sum 2.Tic tak toe. It's on LC 3.Text justification on LC 4.Given an array of nums find total product at each index except for element at i itself. 5.A problem which involves flood fill algorithm. It wasn't a direct application of flood fill but you had to repeatedly do it. Ping me I can give you the link to the last question. It's not on leetcode I had to ask that question on stackoverflow to understand how to solve it. Got rejected despite solving all but the last one lol. So I think they are looking for red level topcoders 🤷🏻‍♂️

Microsoft aaaaaaa Aug 17, 2018

Union find on last one?

Tesla LEETCODER Aug 17, 2018

No not a graph problem. It's kinda similar to trapping rain water. But instead of a one dimensional array you have a two dimension array representing mountains. Like a topographic map. Top down view of a map representing elevations. The water start flowing down from mountain peaks to valley. You need to find the total water that's accumulated

eBay Cfc OP Aug 17, 2018

Oh okay anyway any other pointers? Did they ask anything about Siri specifically? And how was the entire process?

Tesla LEETCODER Aug 17, 2018

No questions about Siri. Straight up coding. That's all.

eBay Cfc OP Aug 17, 2018

Thanks for the help :D