Misc.Jan 31, 2019

Spectrum Bidding (telecom experts reply)

Call me ignorant, but while I was researching online about why I have such bad mobile connection I recently learned about spectrum bidding. How important will winning a spectrum bid impact network quality? If I’m not wrong I think Verizon has the best cellphone connection right now for 4G, when 5G comes along will the winner of the 5G spectrum have the best connection? This whole idea of spectrum is so intriguing, if you are a telecom expert do you have any books/textbooks/videos that you would recommend on the industry/technology for a layman.

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Verizon IMUX76 Jan 31, 2019

CDMA was retired all CDMA devices or NON-HD devices are no longer compatible with the Verizon network

Verizon ntxgb Jan 31, 2019

GSM and CDMA will be twilighted as 5G becomes available nationally, 5G when deployed will be in millimeter wavelength

Axaaa Jan 31, 2019

Aren't you getting a lot of loss in weather? What's the range between towers?

AT&T Mr.Fix Jan 31, 2019

GSM vs CDMA has nothing to do with spectrum bidding, or spectrum at all really. The feds auction off the frequency blocks allowed for commercial use. Low frequency = further signal, counties or states control some spectrum sets so you might get 750mhz in Dallas but not Chicago ( example not actual case). Some sets are “public” like WiFi 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz that can be used by anyone for any legal reason commercial or personal

Axaaa Jan 31, 2019

Here look at this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space–time_code Look at cognitive radios, that's all the rage now. Search for:cognitive radio spectrum sharing

Verizon zoBr70 Jan 31, 2019

Most of the service providers (VZ) are implementing 5G in millimeter wave band, aka very high frequency, that results in short range due to higher propagation loss. FCC has made it difficult for companies to acquire spectrum in one band across the country without competitive bidding. Having spectrum rights throughout the nation makes clean and less expensive network implementation and to some extent, lower handset costs also. For 5G, VZ purchased spectrum by acquiring a company called straightpath. ATT and VZ actually got into bidding war before ATT dropped off. ATT couldn't afford because it had its sight set on media strategy aka Time Warner. On the other hand, VZ took a small bet on AOL/Yahoo (blew it off) but kept its sight on what it does best - having the best network edge. It has signed contract with Corning for tons of fiber optic to build out its 5G as well has spectrum rights nationwide. Reason for TMO to buy Sprint is spectrum. Sprint has tons of it.

Verizon zoBr70 Jan 31, 2019

Corrected above, thx.

Axaaa Jan 31, 2019

Now I have to delete my comment, ha

Sprint UyrR86 Jan 31, 2019

Massive MIMO and non standalone 5G. CDMA is gonna go away completely. We have the 2.5 MHz band which is gold.

Verizon zoBr70 Feb 1, 2019

This reminds me of my thought- process when 4G was coming - my doubts were around 4G handsets - that devices will need to handle and process high data rates, means more front end RF processing as well as battery usage etc. Likewise, your comment is valid but industry has a way of resolving these kind of complexities through diligence. S Korea already has 5G up and running. Time will tell.

T-Mobile r5k2jda4 Feb 1, 2019

T-Mobile r5k2jda4 Feb 1, 2019

T-Mobile r5k2jda4 Feb 1, 2019