Tech IndustryMar 14, 2018

Square interview prep tips

Hi all, I have an interview coming up for positions here in the Seattle office. Any advice on how to be better prepared when short on time? I’m not really well versed in leetcode and such. I just enjoy programming and would love to give my best shot if possible.

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Axtria s.hawkingg Mar 14, 2018

Prepare the tell me about yourself question and the most recent projects on your resume

Square edtk24 Mar 14, 2018

I wouldn’t worry too much about leetcode. We have programming problems but they’re not algo heavy. Just make sure you’re comfortable programming on a Mac, or bring your laptop. There will be one interview about your past experience, so think about your most interesting or impressive project. And there will be one interview about system design, unless you’re a new grad.