Squarespace hackerrank test

Anyone done this? You get a week apparently, how difficult is it?

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Microsoft VonNeuman0 Feb 28, 2018

Lol, this guy wants to leave tinder so badly. He's posted questions about Uber, Lyft, google, FB so far

Tinder hgrfvhh OP Feb 28, 2018


Facebook VegetaBlue Feb 28, 2018

Are you bitter because OP hasn't asked about Microsoft?

Squarespace Atsq Apr 21, 2018

For the record, hacker rank is pretty basic. OOP concepts for backend, JS fundamentals for frontend. The 3 on-site interviews range from very practical to very theoretical. Nail all 3 and you’ll get a position above your typical experience level. It’s possible to receive an offer if 1/3 interviews was borderline and the other 2 passed.

0110 Apr 24, 2019

By theoretical do you mean like a mathematical proof? Or something more like “what is encapsulation” or “what is the abstract factory design pattern” Also, how much Java focus is there as opposed to C++?

Capital One HPCO42 Sep 1, 2019

Is it leetcode medium level?