Tech IndustryApr 18, 2019

Start as general SWE vs. Specializing in ML, mobile or web?

If I have time to study online any of fields . Shall I search for a job as general SWE or start taking online courses in web/ mobile or ML ? Which is better in terms of probability of getting into FAANG ? TC is 0 Yoe=2 as general SWE with master in electrical engineering

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VMware AvPn02 Apr 18, 2019

With 2 yrs of exp and if u r dead set on trying to get into FANG companies none of what u listed matters

FAANG_ OP Apr 18, 2019

You mean, I should focus on general SW and study DS and algorithms well right?

Google Neopets😍 Apr 18, 2019


FAANG_ OP Apr 18, 2019


VMware AvPn02 Apr 18, 2019

I remember seeing a couple of teams that needed to hire mobile devs for app work and they were trying to skirt the system a bit by building out specific interview loops so they could interview/focus more on the candidates work exp, knowledge of mobile ecosystem, etc instead of distributed systems design, etc. Not sure how they ended up working out but they will have hard time transferring to other opps internally as soon as their potential new manager asks them to design Netflix

VMware AvPn02 Apr 18, 2019

But that was just a few teams in a sea of thousands