Tech IndustryAug 12, 2019

Stripe Referral

Hi, I am looking for someone to refer me to Stripe for the New Grad Software Engineer position. I was an intern at Facebook this past summer (got Exceeds Expectations rating), and I interned at Amazon the previous summer. I am going into my Senior year at a Top 5 CS School. I have done ~100 Leetcode questions in total, all medium/hard. Please PM me to chat more, thanks!

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Facebook dxko61 Aug 12, 2019

TC ?

Facebook dxko61 Aug 12, 2019

I was just interested in knowing the TC for EE level this summer

Google proletaria Aug 12, 2019

Ah, I thought you were doing the classic "TC or gtfo", but I would assume current students are exempt from the embarassment of writing "TC: 0".