Tech IndustryFeb 26, 2019

Stripe technical phone screen

I have a technical phone screen scheduled in a couple of weeks. What kinds of questions should I expect and prepare for?

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Amazon Taekwondo OP Feb 26, 2019

Thank you 🙂

ROOSTIZZY Feb 26, 2019

What kind of technical interview? There’s a million different IT / Tech related fields and questions for those fields.

Amazon Taekwondo OP Feb 26, 2019

The only one that matters b.going Feb 26, 2019

It's not tricky LeetCode, they care more about debugging and your writing a clear solution quickly

Oscar 🐨koala Feb 26, 2019

Isnt stripe Pair programming

Zillow Group anKW36 Feb 26, 2019

For the phone interview at least, yes. The onsite is technically pair programming but the interviewers are a lot more hands off. Source: former stripe employee who interviewed people

Oscar 🐨koala Feb 26, 2019

But what about day to day work? Thanks

Zillow Group anKW36 Feb 26, 2019

Former employee here. Be comfortable with refactoring, and maintaining/cleaning code as you go along. Be prepared for changing requirements as the interview progresses. They are trying to get a signal on a few things; how well you communicate, your code velocity and how quickly you can adapt to changing needs, writing robust and readable code, and just overall how great you would be to work with. Good luck!

Amazon Taekwondo OP Feb 26, 2019

Thanks! Did you enjoy your time at Stripe?

Amazon forceful Feb 26, 2019

Just did one and will move to on-site. Was kinda hard to judge performance since it's so different from LC, but basically problem solving and writing test cases. The email makes a big deal about setting up your IDE and screensharing, but it's easier to just use Coderpad.

Amazon Taekwondo OP Feb 26, 2019

Does the code need to be executed, or is it just looked over?

Amazon forceful Feb 26, 2019

It will need to run/compile, tho they set you up with good stubs, so it's mostly application logic.

Autodesk FzD73g Feb 26, 2019

I just got one of their glassdoor questions. So I’d recommend just looking through all of those. You may or may not get one of those of course

ROOSTIZZY Feb 28, 2019

ALWAYS LOOK AT GLASSDOOR. Comp / Ben / Interview Questions for that company...