Tech IndustryMay 9, 2019

Swe satisfaction g vs fb

Offers from both. Same level. No numbers yet, lets assume they are same. Help me decide pls Yoe 4 tc 200k

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DemonWare mee May 9, 2019

I don't work for either but have many close friends at both. It's hard to generalize since both are big companies and what actually matters is what team makes you the offer, the type of work they do, the kind of management it has. Having said that, the general impression is that work life balance is bad at most Facebook teams compared to Google. So is management. I would say pay attention to get maximum info about the team before accepting. Try reaching out to engineers on the team for possibly more insight.

Facebook fullname May 9, 2019

Nah, engineers wouldn't give you the real scoop. They are stretched thin and need more people on team, so they'll put their best face forward to get you in.

Facebook gluteus May 9, 2019

Fb if you want faster career growth at the cost of wlb and some stress. G if you want to focus more on quality engineering and less stress but maybe have slower career growth

Google OAoK43 May 9, 2019

Facebook sounds terrible. I think the leadership is lousy. Google is waaay better. You can stick around at Google and see how it is. You can always work hard and learn a lot. Like any big company, there are issues. It is still probably the "best" big company.

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Bloomberg really!? OP May 10, 2019
