StartupsJun 6, 2019

Switching to a startup but found out pregnant

I accepted an offer about 1 month ago from a startup, but recently found out I got pregnant. It’s so hard to decide what to do. I still want to go for this opportunity. Does anyone have similar experience before? Please help!

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Oath Atinlay2 Jun 6, 2019


Uber bаgel Jun 6, 2019

Don’t let pregnancy stop you. Go for it. Everyone has kids, it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Nvidia bitcoineow Jun 6, 2019

Tesla is gonna eat your lunch Uber

Nvidia bitcoineow Jun 7, 2019

It's gone

Intel babubhatt Jun 6, 2019

Congratulations! (Double) Go for it. Take leave when you need it.

Oracle jomol Jun 6, 2019

Well, I understand you really want to take this opportunity but make sure you review maternity policy at the new company. Will your Hiiring manager cooperative? Are you on visa? This is imp in case you lose your job. I am not scaring you but it imp to be realistic and think about worst case scenario. Congratulations and good luck!

Amazon anw2Bwm Jun 6, 2019

Stress is going to be bad for the baby

Intel babubhatt Jun 6, 2019

Stress is bad for everyone. Pregnancy is stressful, from what I hear. Stressed women have been having babies for millennia. No reason to quit/decline now in anticipation of possible stress. Give it a go and if you feel you need to quit, do.

Inc. Magazine journo Jun 6, 2019

Are you worried about going on maternity leave within a few months at a new job, or is something else bothering you? When do you start work vs when you'd have to go? What's the maternity policy at the office? Would you be OK being a working parent? I'd like to think that if a company goes through the whole recruiting process and makes you an offer is because they want you and your expertise. Unless maternity policy is super generous (doubtful) you're probably only going to get 3 months max, so you wouldn't miss much really... now if you're worried you might want to become a stay at home parent after the baby is born or about nanny/day care $$, well those are different matters.

djtmrp20 Jun 6, 2019

Who's the baby daddy?

♈️ Jun 6, 2019

Not judging anything. Two of my friends got miscarriages because of work pressure. It happens more frequently in the first couple of months so take care of yourself and the baby anywhere

Microsoft EMoC46 Jun 6, 2019

What? This is absolute trash. Miscarriages are extremely common and have nothing to do with stress.

♈️ Jun 6, 2019

Hehe they told me so. One of them in my team. She was burnt out while been pregnant and she regretted so much

Fannie Mae UVDo25 Jun 6, 2019

Good luck and try your best! Nothing can stop you except yourself. If you feel tired, take a break, don’t push yourself too hard.

Amazon LAxL08 Jun 6, 2019

If you haven’t submitted your 2 week notice yet; then you still Gucci