Tech IndustryJul 19, 2019
Grab'em by 🐱

Teams in Facebook london

What are some of the interesting and important tech team in Facebook London? I know about workplace, but personally I don't find it a very interesting team to work for. What kind of work does Oculus, AR/VR teams do? Do they hire generalist backend engineers? What's it like to work for the infra teams?

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Grab 'em by 🐱 OP Jul 19, 2019

Oh nice, any idea what they work on?

Facebook madhuridix Jul 19, 2019

The bra part of it

Facebook lkj630 Jul 19, 2019

There are some solid infra teams. One example is scribe.

Grab 'em by 🐱 OP Jul 19, 2019

What does it do?

Grab 'em by 🐱 OP Jul 19, 2019

Can you describe a bit more about the other infra teams?

Microsoft Tier 1 Jul 19, 2019

Wouldn’t they use Facebook for Work?

Facebook e999 Jul 19, 2019

Workplace is a reskinned Facebook with more focus on work-focused flows vs personal-focused flows.