CompensationDec 7, 2018

Tech Recruiter Salaries by Company

What can a mid level technical recruiter with 7.5 yrs of experience expect to make in just base salary alone at Facebook vs Microsoft vs Google etc in Seattle?

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Google JohnMcPop Dec 7, 2018

Please stay at Amazon. Amazon recruiters are the worst ones I have seen. PS: ex-Amazonian.

Lyft froyo37 Dec 7, 2018

Why so toxic

Google JohnMcPop Dec 7, 2018

"one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel". But if OP is one of the few awesome ones, I hope they get out of that shit hole.

CgYukio Dec 7, 2018

As you part of Amazon HR so asking : There are huge lot of complaints about Amzon WLB, stress, working hours, PIP and what not. Whats top-bottom initiatives taken to reduce these?

Amazon pcLf44 OP Dec 7, 2018

Hopeful for one honest reply to my original q

DgRxJui Dec 7, 2018


DgRxJui Dec 7, 2018

Now give honest answer to my q

Amazon pcLf44 OP Dec 7, 2018

New promo feedback structure, additional parental leave, anonymous surveys to employees about their managers.

DgRxJui Dec 7, 2018

Thats nice. None of these help to reduce weekly hour stress, WLB. Surveys, depends. It's not hard for manager to find who can give negative and then just target more :) Managers are expert they ask different questions in different contexts and tend to find who can make him unsecure. Overall, what I would say. It's about company and not about specific teams/manager.

Google JohnMcPop Dec 7, 2018

OP, kind of unrelated (like other comments here, sorry) but will they stop Forte? It was a joke and most stupid thing I've ever wasted my time on. 😂😂

Airbnb MELO27 Dec 8, 2018


Airbnb bunny88888 Mar 8, 2019
