Tech IndustryOct 30, 2019

Tell me about a time when you received feedback from someone

a time when you received feedback from someone .Can some one provide examples witj Leadership principles?

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eBay zxdRc4? Oct 30, 2019

My feedback for you: TC or GTFO

Amazon BigPipping Oct 30, 2019

OP, don't forget to include with the response, what you learned from the feedback. Show that you have grown and learned 🙂.

Oath OPnd70 Oct 30, 2019

They said I was awesome and I agreed.

Google sqrt(-1) Oct 30, 2019

I once tried to cook a meal to my family and I got the unanimous feedback that the food tasted like shit. I recognized my limitations and devised a Cooking Improvement Plan. After a couple of months on CIP I convinced my family to give me a second chance. This time I got a mixed feedback where half of the family members said they would never try anything I feed them again while the other half couldn't verbalize a feedback while vomiting. After that second attempt identified a limitation on my strategy given that it wasn't producing the expected results and took the iniative to change course and just ordered a pizza.

Amazon BigPipping Oct 30, 2019

exactly, the feedback learning was, don't cook any more. Lesson learned. Delivered Results > frugality.

Oracle lububruah Oct 30, 2019

I was told - “Please flush the toilet and don’t leave brown stains and modern art on the sides”. I took the feedback and flushed hard from next time.

Sphera ✨sparkles Oct 30, 2019

Not from recruiters. Won’t tell you sh**

Adobe CSpc08 Oct 31, 2019

Very early in my job search, my interviewer actually called me back and told me where I messed up and sent me resources in those areas

Amazon 🍌nutmufnz Oct 31, 2019

I received feedback that my insisting on the highest standards led to be coming off as harsh to peers and seniors who I thought were performing below bar. I listened to the feedback and proactively worked on becoming an asset rather than a liability. I helped onboard new team members, kept a positive attitude, and made myself available for guidance and help. The biggest thing I learned was that there are a lot of competing priorities and rather than be hostile, I should try to understand and work harmoniously with my org. As a result of my actions I received numerous kudos and accolades from my team on being a positive inspiration..... Would be a great response if I was interviewing but truth is people suck and I have to fix their messes even though they make 100k more than me. I respond to emails answering questions which had been answered in the previous email. I provide guidance to senior idiots who dont look at internal systems and self serve data, metrics, information.

Cognizant let123 OP Oct 31, 2019

Thank you so much