Tech IndustryApr 11, 2018

Tesla interview decision

I am expecting 7 technical and one HR rounds at Tesla interview for software engineering role. What is the major criteria for selecting a candidate after all the interviews. Do they need all 7 thumbs up as must? I heard Tesla is very picky with only 1 out of 10 candidates for onsite get final offer. Is it true?

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eBay buyitnow Apr 12, 2018

7 thumbs up and then you get interviewed by musk. Kidding, I don’t think he has time for that right now. But I did hear he turned down a perfect candidate because they didn’t seem like they “wanted to work here bad enough”

Tesla tqem Apr 12, 2018

2 telephonic, on site presentation and 5 on site interviews is the norm. Yes in general everyone has to agree on the candidate. Ideally there shouldn't be a strong no. 1-2 ok interviews might still get you over.

Tesla Pocky67 Apr 13, 2018

It is very dependent on the team: but ultimately the panel meet (I like it the same day right after the last interview) and we find a consensual decision.

Blindr Apr 13, 2018

The rule of thumb should be the team in general wants you there, no one is opposed to work with you and you share the company’s vision

Tesla dumdom Apr 15, 2018

From what I know majority of folks from the interview panel must agree

SpaceX XVZVZBXN Nov 21, 2023

For what it’s worth, the SpaceX interview process is pretty much the same and you can generally afford 1-2 mediocre interviews or even nos in some cases as long as the majority of people want you.