StartupsFeb 1, 2019

Thoughts on Aurora?

Supposedly they are raising a huge series B (500 mil) and I’m hearing they have the strongest Eng team of all the AV startups. Curious what others think of them.

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DvVM00 Feb 1, 2019

huge risk. (huge reward)

Citibank Qt7l Feb 1, 2019

They’re golden for the foreseeable future assuming they continue to suckle on the VC teet. Bad news if they try to IPO anytime this year and likely next year.

Aurora OkjQ51 Feb 3, 2019

I mean... I’m biased... but yes, not just the strongest eng team and founders in the industry, but also amazing culture. We’re all quite optimistic :)

Cruise Automation MAGAhat Feb 10, 2019

Strongest engineering team? According to what? Not saying these aren't talented and smart people but that's obviously subjective.

Aurora OkjQ51 Feb 11, 2019

“We met with nearly every AV company in the world from Detroit to Singapore. But each discussion brought us back to Chris and his team as the benchmark against which everyone else was measured.” - Carl Eschenbach, Partner @Sequoia